So this is the story. I was headed back home after the end of last semester. 9 more semesters to go! Right now I'm enjoying what I'm studying, and making the best of my time here. To learn as much as I could get my hands on, to have as much experience that would be required of me, and to impact the lives around me. To inspire, and make this a better place.
In the 6 weeks back home, I've done and learn so much that I possibly could. To live a life of no regrets, making decisions, to be willing to let go, be happy and be kind to the people around you.
A simple breakfast, but it was the company that mattered.
I didn't have to eat by myself back home.
Have a couple of hours off at night for ice cream waffle,
I wished I could do this more often than once in every half yearly.

@ The Arts House: supporting Sean at his "short & sweet' play.
making salmon-egg-mayonnaise roll, bro lending a helping hand!
it was the company that mattered more.
jeri's birthday dinner at Sakura's!
jeri turns 21!
Happy Birthday to my dearest.
With so much more I wished I could do, the next semester looms. 1 Aug was when I headed back Perth, with an unexpected 2 hours' flight delay and an additional 1 hour delay on board.
The airport; the place I love and hate at the same time.
5 weeks of the semester have passed and I'm heading into the 6th. It's a good thing the weeks are passing by so fast. Being away from home really has its good and bad, and it's not any easy to be away. It can be really miserable when you pray for time to pass faster every night.
29th August, and I turned 22. It was a freezing night with no more then 7 degrees on the scale. My dear, you made all these possible. Love you.

Surprise! (that's Mollie, my foster dog)

Thanks for the video, my dearest. :')
"A special moment; turns a destiny.
Wherever you go, your footprints are left behind.
Alongside yours, there is bound
to be another pair of footsteps.
You've touched the hearts of many,
without you realizing it sometimes.
On the day of 29th, I had lunch at charmaine's and her mum made kong ba bao, again! (: Home-cooked dishes, thank you for the simple yet heartwarming lunch.
A birthday celebration, a new beginning. Let us all rise up to the challenges ahead and find answers to our questions within.
Come on, let's run.