"It is with great pleasure that I impart my inspirational stuffs. I desire nothing else but you'll be richly blessed and powerfully inspired by the thoughts and perspectives as journeyer in life."

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I hate this
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The new ipod...: ibrother ?!
Suitable for childen below the age of 3. Unsuitable for above 3.
1. Wheel-scroll
2. Unscratchable surface
3. Comes with a 10-layer cushion pouch
4. Shorter length of earpiece's wire
5. User friendly interface, with 3 times larger font
6.1cm x 4.2cm x 2.0cm
Hurry now to my house, while stocks last. =P
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Bathtub Duckling?!?!
so...it was my brother's. LOL luckily my parents didn't buy it for me, gosh.
Brother CK mumbles, "Here I come u puny ducklings, wahahaha" *squeezes
and the story continues...muahahaha
it continues again...poor ducklings. HAHA
"okay, put you ducklings back!" *ducklings squirked
Monday, November 14, 2005
Steam room!
Well, couldn't take any pictures inside the room, too steamed and hot inside! visibility was only less than 2 metres! Cant even see the other side of the steam room. oh my...so hot. Guys better don stay inside for too long, excess heat kills your... you-know-what la. hahaha
Sign on top of the "Steam Room" sign was...no footwear inside. lol..and one of the instructions was like "Shower before entering". ?!?!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
I know alot didn't study, LOL! =)
take care!
Monday, October 17, 2005
kian, kong, kiat

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Screw bio!
Bio! Today! in the afternoon, MCQ was pretty managable, it's the freaking paper 2!! I knew how to do the essay questions, but just didn't have enough time! ARGH, WTH! I FEEL LIKE DOING THE PAPER AGAIN (this time of cos with TRICE the speed of writing).
screw it!! ARHGH!!! Now i could just hope that I'll do well for the MCQs and pull up my overall marks... (just couldn't believe that I did so badly for bio)
*Currently trying to switch my mind to chemistry..
See ya guys. =D All the best ya :::
Friday, September 30, 2005
The Samoyed! Beautiful dog, isn't it? =)
The "family tree" of dogs indicates that all descend from the wolf and the Samoyed is one of four breeds in the first generation. If genetically Samoyeds still retain links with wolves as their direct ancestors, a vast amount of time must separate them because their character and temperament are totally changed. Man is responsible for the changes that have taken place and this is on-going.
The Samoyed people were nomads, dependent on reindeer meat for food, the hides being used for clothing and for shelter (chooms - the "mobile homes" used by the tribe). The reindeer fed on moss and lichen and therefore were continually on the move. The dogs were used as herders, keeping the reindeer in groups; guards to warn of the presence of wolves and bears. Some were used for pulling sledges but reindeer did this more efficiently. It is from the close association with their human families that the Samoyed has gained the ability to "display affection to all mankind".
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
September Babies!!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Class CIP!
Some were unhappy when they lost games, and cried! oh my.. haha! But nevertheless, it was such a fun and exhilarating experience for me! First time doing cip with kids, lol... cos all the while I deal with animals, and the approach was totally different. Trust ck, lol! =)
Okay... here are some pics! (taken after the cip)
xiang ming, sherman, me and zhen hui! PS: Pardon me for that gay pose.. xP
The pinkie bois! lol! Er... careful wen yang! wahahah.. and that pair of shoes.. I suppose it belongs to the hairy boi in our clasS? MAO MAO! =P (Oh darn, sorry, gay pose again =x)
abra trying to do some stunts? and mao mao finally got into the picture! LOL, get out of that hole, mao! =D hahaha, everyone certainly looks great! =) Oh ya, gay ie zhi, what were you tyring to do, hahaha!
JeroooME, careful..... of abrasion under the arms ya. LOL! xm, don look so shocked..oh crap, mao mao haven got out of that hole, lol! 05S01 rwak! =D
Okay.. this cip is indeed for everyone to enjoy! loL! Looking forward to another CIP with da clasS! =)
Friday, September 09, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
As the blades of the ceiling fan continues to spin above me, I sat down on the wooden chair; not as comfortable but good enough for me to sit on for an hour or so. The night was quiet. I turned around and the clock read 10.02pm. Occasionally, I could only hear the cluttering of the fan. I held my pen firmly and continued with my tutorials. Soon, the noise from clusters of keys began to be heard from my doorstep. It was mom and dad, not forgetting my little brother. The atmosphere in the house liven up, with a few shoutings from my little brother and conversation between dad and mom. Things did not really turn out well as they begun some heated arguments. Fretful questions were hurled across the room and enraged replies were directed back. okay, I understand..after a whole day of work, maybe they're just tired and easily irritable. I tried to concentrate on my own work, hoping that this argument would end off as fast as how it started. I can't. I can't concentrate. Hurtful remarks were heaved and both side wanted to preserve their dominance. Now this is really bad, I am sensitive to noise... and how can I be ignorant when my parents are quarreling? my patience have its own limits...and this is not the first time such things happened. Worse have yet come to worst. This time, my little brother starts wailing. He is turning 1 year old this friday and he is now learning how to talk. The way he cries, the way he tries to get my parents to compromise him, is freaking me out. Mom and Dad raising their voices with addition of louder cries from baby brother, all trying to make themselves heard. Obviously, I have been taking in all these nonsense for an hour! All that noise and nonsense really freaked me out, I can't seem to concentrate anymore. My patience is running out. I already had this in my mind, that is, if my parents continue to quarrel, I shall step in. Initially, I really wished that they would resolved this matter within themselves, but looks like things have turned out for the worst. Why must they quarrel in front of me? Can't they be more sensitive, hello, I am studying! They think I am ignnorant? That I don't know anything that's happening? Who had high expectations of me? It was my parents! They were the one who wanted me to concentrate on my studies yet they quarrel right in front of me? I am not ignorant! Enough is enough, I cannot continue to do my own work anymore. This is my family, I shall not and I will not allow my family to break up. I do not wish to witness a repeat of history. This is my story. why couldn't they compromise and accomodate each other? all they need is just a little bit more of understanding... to complete... ...my family. |
Sunday, August 28, 2005
The Return of CK the Great

The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are and where your talents lie. The day of birth indicates some special talent you possess. It is a gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path. Your day of birth is one of your four core numbers -- the Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire being the other three. It is the least significant of the four core numbers, but perhaps the most finite, in that it reveals a specific ability you possess in a marked degree.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Stress Test Picture

Look at the photograph and, if you find more than one or two differences, you may want to take a vacation.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Whipping a cow gets you whipped cream!

Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Spectrum of life

Sunday, July 31, 2005
Phototaking day! wahaha! =D
Phototaking day! Some pics for ya guys! =) I admit, the guys in 05S01 are both crazy and gay! look! ![]()
Lol! one of the nicest photos! Some "See-no-evil, hear-no-evil and speak-no-evil" doh..act cute! hahaha, all of us realli looked relax! cool eh? =D
zhen hui acting cute again, wa kao! cant stand him.. look at the previous photo, look at him! oh my! well, for the rest = gay bois.
formal photo, well, not too formal too huh! hahaha =P
Monday, July 04, 2005
I love the market n-n
wahaa..in case you may be wondering why I didn't blog for the past weeks, lol it's becos I wan you all to miss me :x hahaa...chee chee is that right, =p I went to the market today, as in real market, the wet market, lol, ALONE. Cool, I was given money, and I was supposed to buy stuffs home so that my mom can cook. lol! Other housewives could be wondering, what's this boy doing alone in the wet market? hahaha.. alright, never mind about this, the point is, the last time I stepped into a wet market was like... 18 months ago? Ask yourself, when was the last time you stepped into a wet market? haha! (good question) After I bought the stuffs, I went to my mom's car, and of course having the car keys in my pocket. wahaha.. wanted to have the feeling of driving (car was parked in Basement 2, no cars around though, all had went to work at this hour! 10.30am) I wanted to. But I didn't, cos I didn't have a driving license, darn it. hahaha Took my bro's stroller out of the car's boot and went upstairs, hahaha I want to DRIVE, urgh goona take my highway code at the end of this year, that's what my dad told me to do so, lol. He said I could, but I have to check out LTA's updated rules first, =O Have fun and see ya guys soon! =D |
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Reservice? lol!
woo hoo! or rather.. duh. haha! damn.. hoildays' only 3 weeks and 2 weeks are used up for my camps! CAMPS!! Oh my god. wahahaha.. so what's your definition of the term 'Hoilday' ? Well, it's all up you ya, isn't it. ;) Oh yes, before i forget, this 2 weeks of camps really sound like a re-service for NS men, lol! Read before for further details, hope it doesn't bore you down, hahaha Okay here it goes, my schedule for my 're-service': It all starts on 10 June.. man, i'm gonna hate the number 10 ! 10 ~ St john's advanced nco camp at bedok (so far -.- lol) 11 ~ St john's advanced nco camp (leaving at night so tt I can prepare for my next camp on 12th) 12 ~ PJ's LDP camp (at lim chu kang, yay, lck! my initials! hahaha) 13 ~ PJ's LDP camp 14 ~ PJ's LDP camp 15 ~ PJ's LDP camp 16 ~ Duh, I am back at home guys. -_- zzzZ 17 ~ St john's officers' camp at bedok (damn, I'm gone again, and it's at bedok again!! -.- ) 18 ~ St john's officers' camp 19 ~ St john's officers' camp 20 ~ St john's officers' camp 21 ~ I AM BACK! *Marks the end of my reservice (Loves no. 21, wahaha) 22 ~ Maths lessons back in school... o.o
Well, guys, that's pretty a tight schedule, lol, will be rather toasted when I come back I guessed, lol.. see you guys on 27june when everyone returns to SCHOOL, YAY, I LOVE SCHOOL. n.n Take care and drink more water, it's hot. and I know I'm hot. =x So long guys!
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
Back in action at the SPCA..!
After so many busy weekends, finally I am back in action at the SPCA! haha! =P As I stepped into the familiar ground, the usual smell made me realise that I am back with the animals again! yay! hahahaha.. wonderful feeling.! as usual/unusual, pat was with me at the spca. Rushed into the dog compound only to see a 5 yr old German Sherpard in the first cage! Oh my goodness! It was fantastic! (dunno why I have a liking for huge animals - elephants, giraffes, hippopoputamus..etc) But the closest big animal i can get close to easily would be huge dogs like this german sherpard, or the grand golden retriever and the enormous saint bernard dog(head up to the height of my chest and paws as big as my palm outstretched!) Oh ya, and SPCA upgraded their technology with a new cooling system to cool the dogs down on a hot and stuffy afternoon. Clouds of cool mist were sprayed out from the ceiling and well.. standing under the sprinkler was great, but don stand too long to deprive those poor dogs of their chance of getting cooled! haha! ![]() Smile kelly! cool eh? haha! Oh my, forgot to tell you all, she strong! An intelligent gal with strong paws, but very affectionate and like company of humans! =) ![]() Good gal...mmm! *winks ![]() Can I hug you? haha..hope you find a new home soon kelly.. =D ![]() 2-3 months old puppies takin a nap on a hot sunday afternoon... *yawns ![]() There, this was the 2 year old jack russell, he barks whole day until his bark goes as if he's got a sore throat. Why he barks whole day? This lil fellow, doesn't like other dogs around, he wants some own space! haha! I went in but he doesn't even look at me! lol! He onli wants to convey his message to his neighbours that he don like 'em! =x haha...this is what I termed a "Gay Boi" ![]() Last but not least, this poor Shadow, a labrador retriever who's feelin real sleepy on e afternoon..but he's strong though, with a coat of healthy and shiny black hair! Got to know that he was brought into SPCA because his owner was moving into a smaller apartment and couldn't accomodate him.. ='( can sensed that he's sad, look into his eyes and i'm sure everyone can feel the agony of being abandon.. *shakes head After bidding goodbye to Kelly and Shadow, I went to the cats-mouse-rabbit corner to check them out. haha... it was 3.30pm then, SPCA closed! Oh yes, before I forget, next sunday's trip to SPCA, anyone interested? Leave ur name here and I'll take note, see you guys! =) |