Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Leap Year..(or week)

As the leap year falls in 2008, I lept through this week as well. On a fine friday where every single one booked out at around 5pm, me and qy lept through the book-out time and walked out of gate at 8.15pm. We spent the whole freaking afternoon doing something which we were supposed to do but hated to do it. End of the day, we got ourselves full of soil and diluted mud splattered out from the wheels after 'shooting' it with strong jets of water. Gotten our hands and face stained with the mechanical grease and oil after trying to clean the inner compartments and engines. We didn't clean one of those freak which moved on tracks, we cleaned five --- FIVE. In the end we didn't really finished cleaning even with the help of another 20+ men, the sun was setting and we had to stop before the sky turns dark.

If I had nightmares over them, it would be disastrous.

Reached home and wanted to prepare for the PD the next morning, but god knows how I fell asleep while sms-ing and reading the straits time. Woke up at 5.30 the next morning and rushed to wash up and eat something while packing my bag and changing into my PT kit, at the same time I thought of the many possible casualties we'd expect today and the treatment. Met ong at 6.20 at interchange. Good weather, cooling and wet. Road run ended halfway due to CAT 1, lightning risk. That was dumb..but then it was good to have zero casualty rate. But then again, this PD didn't give the first aiders any learning experience..sometimes they really have to learn it the tough way.

Went back school settle things down and then came back home to do up my logistic stuff for next 4Q '07 and 1Q '08 meeting next sat. Hate to use micro. excel but had to, and I spent 90 minutes doing up one simple form.. wth.

Left home at 6 for suntec. Wanna check out the career and exhibition booth, cause I came to know of Murdoch Uni coming down from the straits time. Went in and again I saw Mr Ferdinand, nice to meet him again. It was great, I first met him in 2005 in PJ. I asked about my application again. It was exhilirating to know that I've received an acceptance letter from Uni of Queensland (again for the 2nd time since last year), and MURDOCH uni ! omg omg. I left the exhibition straight away after a while.

will update again soon. nite

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