"It is with great pleasure that I impart my inspirational stuffs. I desire nothing else but you'll be richly blessed and powerfully inspired by the thoughts and perspectives as journeyer in life."

Monday, December 31, 2007
A new year; with same old colours
1)A level results
2)Part-time at NUH and Veterinary clinic
5)Derrick's baby girl
1)A lvl results. It was end of Feb. The day we collect our results couldn't have been more frightening. We all knew it in our heads that it either make it or die. And that's the cruel fact of A levels. WIthout good results you're practically kind of screwed. I can't relieve the excitement on the day now, but I remembered hugging my teacher after getting my results slip. I've proven myself. I can see where I'm heading towards at that point in time. Good job. Done with college, what's next?
2)Work. Wanted to find a job in the zoo but failed on 2 attempts within 2 years. Tried the Animal Hospital at mount peasant road but the places were reserved for veterinary students on attachment. Tried many many many clinics but to no avail. In the end got a job offer from my aunt who works in NUS, a job in NUH. So I ended up signing the 4 months contract faster than I thought, got attached to a doctor and assisted her in gathering raw data for her research. I learnt alot as well, been travelling to many schools and taking blood pressure readings of children from 7-16 years old. These 2 months of my entire life was really shiok. I'm literally free of everything and just happy happy go to work and travel around schools in singapore, acting like big boss directing the kids around. Everything seemed so free and easy. Then sometimes go NUH for a while, meet the doctor then we FO to schools. sounds fun right. haha. Next I was in a vet clinic, at paya lebar. Have to reach at 9am in the morning to clean up the cages and feed every single animal inside. Of course I did it with huishan, she's the old bird there. Been into the surgery room and watched numerous surgeries, and poof. nothing beats seeing everything with your own eyes! awesome.
3)Enlistment. Getting enlisted really changed my whole life. Nothing much to mention but one takeaway would be I really learnt to cherish my loved ones more, more than ever before.
4)KSJ. Been kind of MIA from April till bout July, then returned during my sispec days. Officially back into KSJ action during my arti trainee days. Very busy year again, but with the ultimate reward in FAC. Had much fun during ATC as well. Had a spring cleaning at the end of year and changed the layout of the room totally.
5)Derrick's baby girl. On 30th dec 2007 morning, Raeanne was brought into this world, with much excitement and anxiety from the first-time father. Congratulations and all the very best for the future. =)
Bye 2007. The year has fallen into the book of history.
Chatted with ken a lil and he told me the IN colour for next year will still be green, brown and black. Stunned for a moment, turned around and saw my uniform. Just as he typed it out in msn; very true. argh, never mind bout that.
Talking about resolutions. hmm. Resolutions. For peeps who're still studying, I won't find it surprising if they wants to excel in the exams. For working ones, perhaps a promotion, or to find a better job? For parents would be to see their own children grow up, healthy and happy. For my friends in camp, I guessed it's hoping for the o-r-d date to arrive soon. =x For my brother, he hopes to get more barney toys and watch more bananas in pyjamas on disney channel. For me, I hope I can get my university preparations settled so that I can get this load off my chest. It's been bugging me for quite some time.
It's tough. For buddies who are still "not-attached-yet", I sincerely hope you can fulfil your resolution. fate is in your own hands. you can when you believe. Personally, to be truthful, whenever I think about committing myself to a relationship, I shrunk; I withdraw. I can't be certain, not that I'm gay, but I'm really afraid of hurting the one I love. I don't want a repeat. Yes, I'll walk that path, the path which leads me to my career. But it's a long long way, I'm not even at the starting point. I don't want to commit myself to a relationship before leaving for the starting point. My starting point will be when I stand firm at the gate of Murdoch. It's a challenge to control your emotions, sometimes they will really play with you. They tell you, you're in love. But then you tell yourself you can't let your emotions get in control; you're not suppose to be in love; you can't express your love at all. You must let your eyes close and let any opportunties go; shouldn't even try to grab hold. You keep it all shut in that tiny fist-sized heart, never to let a single bit leak out. You carry on with life, the only consolation is to tell yourself she will definitely appear, at least 5 or 6 years down the road. I don't ask for much, she must share similar passion - we educate the masses and conserve wildlife.
Next up, I'd still be in SJ...and I really want to do my very best for the juniors in year 2008. "I, S883.... CSO(6) Loh Choon Kiat pledge to serve KSJ..." lol. crap oath. I realised KSJ has found her own meaning, a sense of belonging to her. KSJ really evolved, from zero to heroes. Yes, we are champions, nothing less. or rather, you all are champions in my very own eyes. I learnt alot from trainings, having fun with the kids and watching them grow up - through their 4-5 years spent in secondary school. It takes effort and reflections to take away many important lessons. and all these lessons will only make my life richer and more meaningful. We forge many friendships through sweat and tears, sometimes even blood. This I'll find it hard to forget.
Thirdly, I WILL GET GOLD IN IPPT. VERY SOON, I CAN FEEL IT. LOL. 2.4km in 9.44min, HERE I RUN. :):):) (not forgetting additional $100 into my account. hahaha)
Forth, I wish for a safe and successful exercise in South Africa next year, with lotsa happy returns! haha.
Lastly, I wish for health and happiness for all ! nothing beats having a healthy mind and soul right? May we have a smooth-sailing, properous 2008!! 1 more minute!! wee.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A new lease of life
Didn't had appetite for my first meal - lunch. Couldn't stomach what's on the plate. It just didn't seem right to me. Suddenly I could feel the world's gonna collapse on me after lunch. The future 's full of uncertainty. I couldn't see where I was heading towards; it was as if I am walking into this space of infinity. It's that scary. Tears could just roll.
On the first night I went down a storey to share with my buddy. We both couldn't get to bed. It's kind of tough to fight the lonely night with no one to talk to, just you and yourself, rooming in with many unfamiliar faces and only your new pillow to hug. Uneasy feeling all around, isn't it. No, this isn't homesickness. I know it. I repose under the blanket of stars, the moonlight pierced through my face. As I lie down and watched the moon through the window, how I wished if I've someone beside, someone for me to lend a listening ear, someone to stay for the night. (certainly not those mates in there! :x)
For all I know, it's nearing the hour. The hour to get out of bed and wash up, and prepare for the new day ahead.
'Heaves a heavy sigh' as my feet got out of the blanket and hit the floor.
mmm. alright. enough said. "you can't change the way how you feel, but you can change the way what you want to do about it"
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. - The line I'll hold on to.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
gotta get my arse back to camp already. till then, take care.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Booked out, waiting to Book in.
Met up with the usual SJ peeps for the 10th anni. project at 7pm. This time round we can see the project progressing well. The previous meeting was really "screwed". Well, the initial start is always difficult. I drank teh-tarik and cappucino to keep me awake for the meeting, and to keep my brain working. It was good, and finally we ended at around 11pm. Derrick drove me home...after ken left for home before we enter the KJE expressway. Went home and watched soccer, did some researching on the project plus vendors we might be interested. Thanks to the super-caffeinated drinks, I was wide awake till 3.30am and still considering whether to sleep or not. damn it. lol
Listened to my ipod till 4am before I fell asleep.
This morning I went to the airport again.. as I just did last sunday. Last week was to send my dad off for work. This time round was to meet up with one of my dad's engineers who's here for training. Then as I walked past the chains of fast food restaurants, I realised many inside were students, mugging real hard. omg. okay.. so the airport becomes another place for people to do homework and study.
so bored. anyone wants to go to the zoo? or zouk?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
A familiar Friday
Talking about A levels, I was just chatting with a tutor of mine during college days and then I realized this national exams’ around the corner. And yet another year’s going to pass. Kind of fast, isn’t it? It’s end of October and soon November’s going to be over and poof! Another batch of students who’ve completed their junior college. Same goes to those getting past ‘O’ levels yea.
As the night falls, I guess it’s time for bed. Always good to sleep early isn’t it. Soon I’ll be hugging my pillow and get under the blanket for the night.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
More courses, and going.
alright, so today's andeous' birthday huh. and also my brother's b'dae. lol. wonder how's that ass doing in the recee stuff. Think he finds it very fun. Good that he's enjoying what he does! lol. Way to go! =)
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The days we had fun talking cock in bunk and not sleeping at night, the day when we had our first night's out, the day when we started to know each other better, the days when we complained so much, the days we ran together, the days where we marched, the days we took our exercises and fieldcamps in stride, not forgetting the days when we became really united when the Merz took us for SBD. People call us the champion section, but we don't mind. And I pretty like that term coined for us. hahaaa. We know we are united as one, you'd rather try to produce a scratch on a diamond than try to break our section integrity. It's fate that brought us together, in the last section, sitting near the staircase on the 3rd storey. we love that room, we love section 4, we are not called champion section for nth. x)
I still remembered on the 24 aug, the friday when we were booking out. It was the last bookout before graduation on the following week. Although we get to go home, I didn't like it at all. For all I know was by the time I book in 2 days later, it'd be the last book-in we'd see each other. As we pack most of our stuff into the duffle bag to bring home, I really hated that feeling that ran inside me. Normally everyone'd be rushing to pack their stuff n rush home happily, but this time round it was definitely different for me. 44th BSLC's closing its chapter...and on the 30th Aug morning at 5am, we knew which path we'd walk.... and then from there onwards, I wish them all the very best in their vocations.
I believed we truly feel blessed to be brought together. Remember the last SOC we did and we really pushed each other on and ran together. It felt like hell, and as you all always say upon standing at the start line "the next 10 minutes' gonna be our worst of life". It was really outstanding, we pushed ourselves beyond our freaking limits and everyone clocked timings btw 9.17-9.45min! nurudin's timing's 9.45min, the coolest, cause his previous timing is a ass-spanking 11min!! hurray for section 4. we all passed SOC. haa.
Oh yes, on tuesday night we shifted our beds to the middle room! Had to clear section 4 for new beds which apparently we shifted back our beds n cabinets the following morning. -.- We raped some dudes that night and did I mentioned they were stripped naked? lol. It was really disturbing to see...erm. balls? yeah, hell no. I swear I'll never be the one to pull down anyone's underwear! okay..back to what I was saying. my bed was shifted to sect3, leaving SDR, seeyang n wee hoe's beds in sect4. The rest went to the middle room. We all hate to sleep in where we had to sleep so we shifted our mattresses over to the middle room and laid them on the floor! Slept together for the last night. Talk cock till past 12midnight. Andeous shook me and wished me happy birthday. lol. I think wee hoe tried to shake me too, but he shook the wrong part of my body. :X lalala.
Alright, for the PTIs to be - derek and sederick, really all the best. you both got what you always wanted. Good for both of you! For the mud, I've got nth to say. what we said on the first day in bunk really came true. Too bad. lol. For the arti specs-to-be, I can't forecast what the future holds. mm. For the signaller, I know u super happy. last but not least, andeous! I'll never forget you, the one who really gave me a bad impression during BMT sit-test and now you rocks. These dudes rocks, the rest can smell my socks.
Sispec warriors! E-PL2S4 WE'll March On!!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Drops of tranquility
9 more days to my graduation parade. Less than a week to my 28km graduation road march. My BSLC course's coming to an end. Just when we've made great buddies in camp, in the next blink of an eye, everyone's going to walk different paths. Where will we be posted to? OCS crossover? ASLC? Guards? Signals? Arty? Armour? It doesn't really matter.. what's important to me is to learn and excel in what I do and to enjoy every bit of training. Things we'll never get to experience in life, now I've 2 years for it. They become memories; that will last me a lifetime.
And that's why, every night, I write down my training experience, my feelings and opinions in my diary. Every single moment isn't to be missed or to be forgotten. I write my own story and I'll keep it till the day when I'll let my children read it.
This might sound cliche but I do think far!! hahaa. (= ... this is how army transform people.. hmm.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Went SJ in the morning, thought aisuan, xinyan and yan hsiang will be there. So I went down see see. Reached at 8am and then later realised yan hsiang didn't turn up. hmm.
As I stood upon the cement railings outside SJ room and watched the kids train (footdrill), I imagined if I wasn't around that morning. Only aisuan and xinyan will be there. Once in a while, certain degree of unhappiness will be set upon. The air is still, the atmosphere seemed so different. Can anyone revive those days? Days passed by and things really changed, so rapidly that I didn't managed to catch a breather. I missed the days where SJ trainings are noisy, every second filled with excitement, joy and gutso. When will it be when mah, ong, ken, me, aisuan and derrick meet again in SJ? nobody knows. We lead our own lives, we walked many unfamiliar paths, surrendering to the hands of destiny.
But the days gone are never to be forgotten, they're to be cherished.
I begin to think of what the future holds; for everyone.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Ordered 2 pizzas, including the new cheesy pizza, with a chunk of cheesy dip in the centre. Not too bad, very tasty. hahaha. yum yum. That chunk of cheesy dip is REAL CHEESY; LOTS n LOTS of cheese! oh my. *drools.
kk, we wiped out the food very quickly and chatted as we sat on the cushioned benches.
We parted as soon as we left pizza hut. Took 172 home after that.
Coming up next week: Grandslam tekong! back to tekong for final field camp in BSLC course... let's hope for cooling weather! no rain pls!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Life goes on..
Checked my HP and it was 8.07am. The morning was pristine. But the noisy engines from buses and bikes wrecked it. Sat on my bed and thought to myself; hmm, it has been a month since i entered SISPEC. Haven't cut my hair since then, it's getting long! Next I questioned myself what am I supposed to do today. Feel like going out, perhaps to town to get some clothes or books, but couldn't find any company. *shrugs
I thought I'd better get some rest, cause I'm booking in tomorrow(sunday) morning! darn, super precious weekends. Watched bleach and some manga and then surfs around the net.
The clock in my laptop reads 8.27pm now. Gotta pack my stuff for tomorrow morning. Yet another week comes along... things will come and things will go... life goes on...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Which would you choose?
"Would you marry the woman you love, or love the woman you marry?"

Sunday, July 08, 2007
army days ahead.
All the best for ur enlistment on friday!! yea man. Tough trainings are there for you to look back and know what you've achieved at the end of the day!
Look forward to meeting up again!
~KSJ'07 - HUAT.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
KSJ Passing out parade '07
Everything went superbly well.. Remembered ms Ratna kept showing the *thumbs up when mr Kong left the parade square. haha! =)) good thing is I FINALLY RECITE THE FRIGGIN PLEDGE CORRECTLY. I only tried to memorise it the night before. But then again, do you think anyone knows if I've recited it correctly? aw. screw the pledge. doesn't make much sense at all.
Congrats to the graduates, you all have really done KSJ proud. I guess you all know it yourselves; in your heart, the hardwork all of you have put in and the satisfaction gained. ; ) that feeling is beyond words.
Next is the games organised by the BNCOs.! Running around the whole school finding clues was indeed fun, but tiring as well. haha. Then the last game came. Carrot said something like "Okay, due to time constraint, we'll now play the last game - water bomb. Anyhow throw.!" I was like, what the hell! Then, of course, me and ong dashed straight up the hallway, and armed ourselves with some ammo!! They had like 1000 water bombs!!! holy.
This is nuts. We always never fail to play water bombing, and then end up filling pails and pails of water and pouring it over unattentive heads!! hahaa.
Finally we ended at around 3.30 I guessed. and went up the SJ room. I looked out towards the empty parade square and wonder when will be the next time I'll have the chance to come back to KSJ again. The POP's over, games played, prizes given. What's left behind are memories that will last a lifetime. I'm sure I share the same sentiments as other trainers like ong, ken...etc. We enjoy coming back to KSS to train, as well as to have fun. Certainly, KSS's where I grew up, where I learnt many lessons and I'll always be proud to say I was once a Kranjian. Not to forget, KSJ, my biggest committement in Kranji, is something that can never be forgotten.
Time passes so fast. I was just viewing some pictures in my pc, and saw a pic of me and Mah with christine, szehim, beatrice and weiting during some zone dinner at CDANS club. They were only CPLs then... now SSGT is what they wear on their shoulders. Then I think about it, I graduated from KSS 3 years ago, and also completed my A lvls. Now that I'm army, time really flies. I hate to say this, but one day, we'll have to leave KSJ. Be it for further education in university or for personal committements.. I HEART KSJ.
Alright, time to go off. I wishes everyone the very best and GOOD LUCK for 'N', 'O' and 'A' levels conquerers!! not forgetting Ong and Ken becoming army boys soon!!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Basic Military Training Status: Completed!

Friday, June 01, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Just some random thoughts that I blogged it down. Hmm. I've lotsa random ideas though, gotten em all in army. It's kinda good in a way that I do realised many things which I once took it for granted. yup.
This is life.
A person without a sense of humor is like a car... without shock absorbers.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Endure! n move on!
Rushed down to kss to check out st john training after I booked out yesterday afternoon at about 1.45pm. Heard that training's till after 4pm. haha. great. Feels good to be back in school. And of course, seeing fellow buddies in SJ, and not forgetting relieving the joy of watching juniors training hard. Best moments I've ever enjoyed.
But those moments will not last. Nothing lasts forever. Time passes so fast that before I realised, it was already 7.45pm after we'd dinner together. Heard everyone talking about 'Kiat's Facts' by mr brown..lol.
Went over to zhen's house to watch FA cup final...boring match. Ate about 4 packets of potato chips plus many biscuits. Feel asleep at some intervals...was too tired. Left at about 12.35am, missed the last LRT. Then got lost in bukit panjang before I caught a cab home. So tired that I couldn't think straight and navigate my way around.
Reached my ah ma house and slept straight away. Haven slept on this bed for ages already. The bed I've been sleeping on for the past 7-8 years? Feels good. But I didn't give it too much thought, fell asleep as soon as I grabbed my pillow and blanket.
Woke up this morning at 8.40am, brushed my teeth n fell asleep again. Woke up at 11.30am. Feeling the fatigue from the intense training, and of course the field camp which was ....... :) The first thing that came to my mind is that I've to book in tonight... and the cycle repeats itself again. yet another week.
Last week I nearly cried in camp. Didn't like it at all. missed my ah ma very much.
Feeling very down as I jotted all these down.
But we guys don't have a choice, do we? That explains the title of this post.
Checked my email this morning. Got acceptance from University of Queensland for Bachelor of Medical and Veterinary Surgery... Veterinary Science faculty!! Damn shocked. Have to accept the acceptance by october 2007... they only take in 32 international students per year. But I'll wait for Uni of Murdoch to reply. Hope they accept me!
I am searching...not for anything else but searching for joy. It's really torturing not to find joy since then. I seemed to lost the smile I had, the laughter that would accompany the smile.
This ain't easy at all. It ain't fun.
I want to stay home with my ah ma. I want to go out have a game of soccer with my buddies like zhen and nash. I want to sleep on my own bed. I want to eat home cooked food everyday. I want to be able to catch up with my friends. I want to have a weekend that I don't have to think about booking in on sunday evening.
But hell no. These previliges are taken away.
"When the going gets tough, you'll only get tougher." How tough have I gotten? Can I get any more tougher? I'm beginning to doubt. Where is the limit, or is the sky my limit?
I'll end my post here. Need to get some rest. Next 2 weeks is another hell for me. It's really a constant struggle emotionally and mentally.
All the best friends...cherish what you've now. especially your loved ones... trust me.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I lost my identity as a civilian,
I shaved my hair,
I became a soldier.
I still have not acquire the right mindset to become a soldier. It is really an uphill task to try to tell yourself that you ain't a civilian anymore. I don't know. But it's tough.
In camp itself, every night I'd shower, followed by washing my laundry. And then, I'd look out of my bunk, only for an overwhelming piece of forestry to engulf me. Pitch darkness in the forest, mostly covered by the dense canopy layer. I'd then ask myself, what am I protecting; as a soldier?
Is it the country or is it my family?
‘ 國家’。沒國就沒有家。
27 April 2007. I'm back on mainland. The feeling is really superb. After getting off the fastcraft at SAF Ferry Terminal, I took my first step on mainland!! woo hoo! Excellent. hahaha. I may sound stupid, but only fellow recruits will understand this feeling. Yeah.
Till another time I'd come online, TAKE CARE n SEE YA soooon. :))
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Then there was this joker who stood beside me, er.. I mean he was using the urinator beside mine okay. HE WAS SMS-ING AND PEEING AT THE SAME TIME.
I mean, what the.. how the heck did he managed to do that. Okay, QUIT UR WILD IMAGINATIONS, GIRLS. LOL.
he still did it btw. cos I friggin saw it!! That stupidly freaks me out and stupidly wasted another 30 seconds staring at the mirror when I washed my hands to think about that joker.
Next, chiong-ed out to print my reporting slip and found my instructor, then got into the car and drove off.
Please for goodness sake, guys. When you pee, just pee. Don't try to act pro and do funny things!! wa lao! LOL
Seven April 2007
Today's already tuesday.. one day left for me.
Went for training last sat.. had mock fac. Den it was 1230 hours. Choon Siong and Ong told me to change into PT kit, as there'll be a changing parade.
"Okay..." I thought to myself.
After which CS wanted me to accompany him to the staff room to photocopy the casualty report..
"Alright..." I thought to myself; yet again.
Frigging photocopier machine keeps jamming up! Took me like 20++ minutes to try to photocopy 20 sheets of reports!
After I'm done, I walked back to SJ room.. then kenneth called me in because he wanted to show the NA team the right way of taking blood pressure.
"duh.. crazy ass" But I went in anyway
Took off my shoes and went onto the bed.
After that Chin Boon, Vincent, Wei Xiang, William came in and force me to straighten my legs and lie down!! Then each of them grabbed each of my limbs and lifted me off!
OFF I GO! @$@$%@%^!
Out of the SJ room..down the stairs..and onto the parade ground.
I remembered someone took off my socks.. den I turned and saw...........
GERALDINE !! omg. SHE HAD LIKE 3 WATER BOMBS IN HER HANDS. The next thing I knew was that one water bomb flew straight towards my face; with full force.
Then, everyone knew what follows. It was like I trespassed a territory; which it was not meant to be. And the local natives launched a defensive attack on the trespasser! bombs rained for at least half an hour. I was shot in the neck the most, back, chest, face and head.
But hey! I'm still alive! "yea of course. the bombs contained water -.- "
Okay..they had 400++ water bombs with them!! omg! I had NONE.
After their ammo went dry, they took on the bigger guns. Pails. Filled from half to full tank, they just came showering onto one's head, without the slightest warning. Stealth. They crept up on trespasser silently; like how a leopard would prey on a chicken. As they raced against time, pails of water soon overwhelmed the trespasser. It all happened within minutes. There wasn't any time for a breather or to take shelther.
I surrendered. Was seriously wet throughout and inside-out. Everyone was wet in the end. Very soaked! oh my.
Then it was time to fall in. I can't remember it was cabbage and who..requested for siying to fall in too! In the end it wasn't falling in, kept pushing her to take photo with me! lol. I guessed the most excited ones were those who aren't taking the photo! omg. But it's alright.. since everyone was so high and crazy about me and siying taking a photo, so I stepped in to pose for Ms Vanitha's camera. haha.
and wait ! I heard siying blushed! omg. was the sun too hot? o.O! I couldn't see the blush anyway..was without my spects. no worries, at 200 degrees, I still can see clearly everyone's face!
Super fun alright..den we played captains ball. This time round I realised the girls have improved quite abit. Although they were super violent. At 3.30pm we ended the game and it's time to wrap up everything. It was rather sad.. just like that I'm leaving..
Thanks everyone for planning this water bomb for me! So I was the only one who didn't know what's going on until the end! huh! hahaha.
Thanks the cuttest bunch for the prezzie and card! =)
Thanks to another crazy bunch who showered me with their holy water from the second level! LOL.
Really appreciate everything.. thanks all my fellow officers for joining in the conspiracy and fun too..
It's time for me to sign off once again! I wish those who're studying all the very best in exams, those waiting for uni application good luck and every other body a smooth sailing future ahead! =)
Till the next time we'll meet, see you!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The Classic (클래식)
The Classic. Finally a day where I found the right mood to watch this movie. It was 2pm in the afternoon when I thought I would spend my time watching this 130min korean romance story. It is really a great movie, very touching indeed. Directed by kwak Jae-Yong (곽재용). I think he really did a superb job.
Seldom tears will flow because of a romance story, but it was an exception this time, at least for myself. The only romance story that touched me so deeply in a decade. Indeed, it is a classic; and it will always be.
Pictures from http://www.hancinema.net/korean_movie_The_Classic.php
What a movie..at least the last one before I enlist.. 的確不可不信緣。。。
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Time's running out
When some of my friends are working..
When some of my friends are having breakfast..
When my brother's still sleeping..
When my sister's in school..
When my ah ma's at the market..
When my SJ juniors are in school studying..
When I am still disorientated..lost at what to do,
When it's 9.30am.. It's time to leave my house..at least it will be another 2 weeks before I return to mainland again.
I'll miss everything, lotsa things. too much to be mentioned.
But I guessed it's just another phase of life for me. Another challenge that is.
oh darn. I shouldn't feel how I am feeling now.
:) I smiled. But it was fake. The thought of leaving my ah ma drives me crazy. I really wish for her health and well being. Hope she strike toto or 4D! YEA :))
As I once told my juniors 3 years back... "A second of sadness equals to a second of happiness lost." So seems like it isn't worth to be sad! haha! Everyone prays for happiness and why lose it when you are the one who can do something bout how you feel?
Take lotsa care people, my sister (she rox!), my ah ma, my parents.
Signing off,
Sunday, April 01, 2007
In the end me, choon siong, aisuan, peiling and yan rong had lunch together at golden mile food centre. haha.
Went up to the army market after lunch..walked past the many shops selling army stuff. Wah, see liao damn sian. I don't even have the slightest interest in them... *shrugs
Next saturday will be my last training day with Kranji St John before I enlist. Though I'll miss the training sessions and the fun everyone had on saturdays, but at some point in my life, I will have to part with them.
I seriously hope that KSJ will soar higher and roar!! =)
What's in store for me in 11 days' time? Stay tuned for more details! =.=
Lastly.. when I'm not around, I wish that my ah ma will still stay as healthy!! =]!!
*Dream a little dream. How do you define little?
Friday, March 30, 2007
Last year they had 5 Singapore A level graduates applying to Murdoch..and only 1 got in. wah lao. On top of that, they only accept 52 international students per intake! oh god.
Uni of Queensland is no better off, they accept only 30 international students per intake. diao. And for anyone who come across this blog post; FYI: The Uni of Queensland have made Physics a compulsary subject in the admission requirement for Vet Science.
However, the 2 main subjects will still remain Maths and Chemistry. Do well for them peeps!
Eh, sorry. What I have said only pertains to Vet Science..so don't get mislead.
Yep, hope I HUAT for this admission. Huat la! lol. =p
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Personal Statement to be submitted
Experiences with animals
My desire to help and protect the animals started with personal experiences which involve learning to care for my own pets (including a dog, rabbits, hamsters, a budgie, ornamental fish and koi fish). As I learned to be more competent in handling certain animals, I start pet-sit my friends’ pets when they went abroad on holidays. Moreover, I would often monitor my neighbours’ pets (such as the rabbit) before, during and after the process of giving birth. This is so that I can help observe the rabbit’s health and then give advices to the owner such as not changing its eating habits or environment during the first few weeks after giving birth.
In order to satisfy my thirst for knowledge in the field of animal care and the different behaviors they exhibit, as well as the public’s attitude towards keeping pets in homes, I volunteered at the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). During my years of service with the SPCA, duties like cleaning up cages and feeding the animals regularly have not only become a second nature, but most importantly, they increased my understanding with them as well as their eating habits tremendously. Moreover, I learned more valuable lessons such as dealing with nasty pet owners who ill-treat their pets, including irresponsible individuals who abandon their pets as though they are toys. My eagerness to expand my knowledge and increase my animal experience motivated me to volunteer at the Singapore Kennel Convention 2005. Throughout the time I spent there, I took advantage of the opportunities to gain maximum exposure and interact with the many breeds of dogs.
To further widen my horizon in the veterinary profession, I opted to work in a veterinary clinic during my school vacations. In the clinic, I learnt to deal with animals with different illnesses/diseases and various injuries. With specific instructions from the veterinarian, I acquired invaluable skills on how to provide the necessary care for the ill animals. My job scope involves the caring of the chinchillas, rabbits, dogs and cats. Throughout my time in the clinic, I was also taught to compromise or deal with demanding pet owners.
Why I want to become a veterinarian
The experiences I have had with the animals throughout the years have consistently reaffirmed my passion and commitment for the good and welfare of them as well as my ambition to become a veterinarian. My belief in becoming an accomplished veterinarian has certainly been strengthened through work experiences in a veterinary clinic as well as the volunteer work with SPCA. I learned to appreciate and understand the challenging and diversified role that veterinarians satisfy, and thus look forward the challenges that await me. Lastly, I believe a career that involves my passion for animal wellness as well as interpersonal interaction will be highly gratifying.
Why I chose Murdoch University as my preferred school
Murdoch University, with state-of-the-art learning facilities, will provide me with greater confidence and vigor in pursuing my degree in Veterinary Medical and Surgery. The dedicated and committed academic tutors will allow me to maximize my learning capabilities, so that I too can be part of the advancing veterinary medical knowledge. In addition, I believe that the animal farm in the campus will make veterinary studies and practices to be done competently. I look forward to a rewarding experience in the Murdoch University campus.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Often while waiting for students to report, we doodle on the whiteboard, take stupid poser photos and talk rubbish (my fav!) !! Hmm, let's see. I drew bob dog, teenage mutant ninja turtles..and Vignesh's (college) face. HAHA. Not forgetting the combined effort between me and June to draw the twelve zodiac signs!!
As boring as it may sound, taking blood pressure allows me to meet new students everyday! Some kids are just plain naughty alright! Some are scary. Some are...funny. real funny. *laughs
Reached home at 6pm..took a short nap till 7.40pm. Ate dinner, and slept at 8pm. zzz. was very very tired. Have been sleeping for less than 5 hours each night for the past 4 days..
Shall help out at hui shan's pet clinic for the remaining days.. 15 days left. Wonders what awaits me in the near future. lol
amingo adios!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Cooked a bowl of noodles. Placed it on an old wooden table in the living room. "World's Funniest Videos" was screened on TV. ah ma talked to me about money matters again. As much as I hate to talk about it, it was inevitable. She asked why I didn't wanted to study in Singapore Uni. (She mentioned about me doing badly in A lvls, not as good as my cousin - liwen, that's why I couldn't get a place in singapore uni.) She thought so because of the fact that I took only 3 As, and not 4 As.
As usual, she talked about my father again, my uncles, aunts. How they struggled during the 1960 s. Yes, I really understand the situation. Well, ah ma tends to stray off tangent with regards to the main topic of discussion. It's okay, I'll listen (perhaps the 20th time I'm listening to the same thing. I guess it's normal for them to be a little more naggy)
I suddenly felt that I'm in bedlam. I've no comments about what she said. I told her I wanted and had to study in Australia because singapore uni doesn't offer the course I have always wanted to study! Singapore does not have the space and facilities to support veterinary studies. On the other hand, what benefit has singapore got to gain from producing top veterinarians? It does not do the economy any good, and talking about Singapore's pillars of economy, the revenue veterinarians generate compared to the biomedical or manufacturing sector is kind of negligible.
*suddenly goes back into family politics again. It's really bad. my aunt who lives with me doesn't wants to ask me personally how I did in A lvls, and always talk to ah ma behind my back. She thought I didn't do well in A lvls.
During the 2 years in JC, I worked hard, studied and achieved the grades I wanted. Okay I am not as smart as many of my classmates, but when times were difficult during my J1, I told myself I need to hold on, I do not expect any support from my parents (it is impossible), I found my own source of motivation and I carried on. At that time, I didn't know how to achieve A grades for all my subjects. I felt seriously lost.
Then in year 2, I did badly for my common tests and had to drop my 4th A subject. It was very disheartening. I can only shout into a window, nothing larger than the size of my fist; my heart. Who can I turn to? I turned to myself in the end. All my father know was that he signed a letter indicating that I dropped biology, because I didn't do well in my exams. It is really not easy at all to find the right focus in study when you are constantly bombarded with issues like the aftermath of parents divorced, quarrels, moving house...etc.
I picked myself up and told myself since I cannot do anything about the family politics, I will not let it affect my studies; why should I anyway. As the saying goes "When the going gets tough, you'll only get tougher!" Very true. I believed in myself, that I can do it, and will do it. I am determined to prove to my father that I'm worth something, not one who flops and fumble.
Finally, I gotten my results. A-A-B. Relatively good enough for me to enrol into the veterinary faculty. But now what ah ma said really is hurting. It makes me wonder, what have I achieved for the past 2 years, what have I done and what did I aimed for?
I am thinking, if I can get my AVA scholarship successfully, that would be the best. It pays for all tution fees and accomodation. In return, 6 years of work with AVA. Hmm. There're always buts. What if...?
ah ma suggested me getting enrolled into singapore uni to continue my education, but as I've always said, what for? It's wasting money, and I will have no direction after spending years and getting a degree in singapore.
*didn't wanted to cry, and I hate crying.
so now what. To give up being a vet? Then the question now is, so what have I been trying to aim for all these years?
I pray a little prayer. Silently.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Vet Science at Murdoch...
TIME: 1605 hours
I trudged along the concrete pathway, filled with dried fallen leaves, alongside Red Dot Traffic building. It is a building that stretches for at least 200 metres in length, and it's painted ALL RED. The whole building's really RED! inside out! A historical building..with some great eatery corners.
I feel wobby, wibbly, willy, wooky..serious headache. In a state of intricacy.
Walked past the RDT building to reach the Ministry of National Development (MND) building..needa get to the Aus-Ed; Uni-Ed agency located inside. Murdoch uni rep. and Uni of Queensland rep is here from 3-5pm! Got into the office and sat down. Trying hard to focus and relax..my mind's in serious chaos. *wobbles
Saw the agent whom I've seen so many times, at so many places!! Mr Ferdinand Tan!! and his trusty college, Mr Kelvin Mok! haha! So nice to meet them again.
Waited for about 10 min before I get my chance to talk to the guy from Uni of Queensland..asked him about the enrolment, the no. of international students they take in each year. He replied "about thirty or thirty-two each year". Okay, seems like competition's rather tight.. and then he told me the school's going to make Physics a compulsary subject for vet science entry requirement from next year. okay, I love physics. lol
Next I met the lady from Murdoch Uni, she's Ms Holly Croft. I asked again about the no. of international students they accept each year..she said about 50, but in the midst of increasing the intake to about 60. That's better..for a good school for vet science. Next she told me from this year onwards, the degree of vet medical/surgery will require 6 years instead of 5 years. So I asked her the reason for extending the period of course and she said according to the American Veterinary Association, the syllabus' for vet science's increased and they didn't want to compromise some other topics which previously was taught. Hence..yea.
hmm. This bothers me. Another year in australia means I require more money..very sad. wished I could talk to my parents about this. It ain't easy to talk to them afterall.
SMSed my dad and told him about the new 6-year degree..got a neutral response from him again..kinda expected it though. =/
what to do..? I asked myself.
What the ??
Tooth fairy? probably. -.-
Friday, March 09, 2007
Rocky Balboa!
Disclaimer: Pictures taken from http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809278368/photo/stills
Sunday, March 04, 2007
University Exhibition at suntec!
But LIVERPOOL's still the club with fantastic history and players! "You'll never walk alone" whoa.. great fans...After O'shea's stoppage time goal, the cheers from the fans singing 'you'll never walk alone' is truly amazing...As LIVERPOOL supporters, we never give up on the players, even with a second left to full-time!
Okay..then I applied for a scholarship under Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) online..9 long pages..took me an hour to complete it. hmm, the scholarship comes with a 6-year bond. Since it's the only scholarship offered for Veterinary Science, I'll never let it slip past my hands!
Pray hard that I'll get accepted!! I truly wants to become a vet!
Sunday noon...brought my parents along to suntec city career seminar. showed them the Australian Universities' booths..and the agency Aus-Ed. Met Mr Ferdinand Tan again..he was the one who spoke to me the previous year when he went to PJC for an exhibition. He saw me and asked if he had seen me before, I replied 'yea, you're Ferdinand Tan. we met in PJC.' hahaha. He's kinda shocked, but he remembered me alright.
Okay, we talked about vet science again, but this time it was different, I had my results with me. The other time we spoke, the atmosphere was totally different, I haven't even took my prelims. Same stuff again, 4 universities offered vet science, Murdoch Uni, Uni of Queensland, Uni of Sydney, Uni of Melbourne. Definitely my first choice was Murdoch Uni! He knew me well enough already..then I asked about application.
Hmm. seems like much of the stuff I already knew..so to double confirm, I asked him again. So I just need to submit by application, together with my GCE A Levels certificate to the various uni. But he said I can forget about Uni of Melbourne cause they only accept straight As students. So I applied for Murdoch Uni, Uni of Queensland and Uni of Sydney.
Hopefully and really, I want to get into Murdoch University!! I really liked the school campus, with their own farm in the campus itself, it makes vet studies more efficient and convenient! Hmm. Hope to hear a reply from these universities soon..although I'll be entering in July 2009, but an early reply will surely save me from all worries!
Thanks to Rashidah..my st john junior, I applied for the AVA scholarship. I searched for months and I never knew about this scholarship. Well, I hope for the best..! =))!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Release of A level RESULTS! 2nd mar 07
Then my conversation with Mr Tan (the chem chicky noob) always revolves around this word ---> 發. Or to pronounce it: HUAT. Good what, HUAT during new year, den HUAT during A lvls too. hmm. I told him I'd HUAT today, LOLS. Then I purposely wore red, to signify prosperity. hahaha. If I seemed too superstitious, well, for the sake of A lvls, WHY NOT. haha.
Huat la huat la huat la.
Had sleepless nights throughout the week, I bet the teachers are more anxious than us. Mr Tan was awaken by some noobies in the middle of the night, no wonder he came online after 12 midnight...haha. Ms Oh also..I think she went asking everyone about As in her msn contacts la! lol! what a miserable night. misery loves company; how true.
okay..I queued up for my results..paid for that lame $51.40, and flipped over my result slip.
Mathematics - A
Physics - B
Chemistry - A
okay, then I hugged ms oh on the spot!
Rather satisfied with my results..although no straight As..but I could apply for Veterinary Science now! Shall go down IDP apply tomorrow.. =)
Finally, I passed the A levels hurdle! I shall become a Vet!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I hereby express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to:
Ms Marlene Oh (CT and bio tutor)
Mr Tan BP (chem noob cum joker)
Mr Chua PT (maths)
Mr Loh SB (physics craze)
Mr Siraj (funny GP tutor)
Special thanks to the chem noob who is always available on phone or msn for us! he's really a great tutor. we all owe it to him.
hmm, although I dropped bio in May last year, but I still think ms oh is a very committed tutor, hope you don't miss us too much! haha.
Not forgetting all those whom I studied with before As!!
Cya! =))))
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I was in charged of zone 1, responsible for the cadets and accountable for the whole area. Stressed. Reached zone 1 at about 6pm. People started to crowd around barricade as Bryan Wong and Michelle Yeo led the pre-event chingay parade! Brought Laura and May towards the viewing gallery..including the president/VIPS stand, den saw Bryan Wong with the newscaster filming LIVE! woo. close up with the celebrities.
Geraldine and siying stationed near the entrance of the barricades. I didn't knew it was their first PD..and to such a magnificent event. whao, great experience lei. haha. I stood beside them to talk to them about such duties..what should a first aider behave..and to be professional. Lotsa cameras shooting around, of cos have to act professional!! lol.
At about 8.20pm we changed shifts..gera and siying went back to the FA post and two other took over. At about 9pm, I went to check out laura and may..omg. so many celebrities were beside only lor, likes of Gurmit Singh, Quan Yifeng and many more!! haha. *excited
At 9.30pm, the event ended..street party starts. Whao, imagine the noise level and we're trying to communicate through the walkie-talkies. siao la. have to shout into the speaker, until now I'm having a sore throat. zzz. Den lotsa people going home..here and there, I tried to squeeze my way through the crowd and as a result one of my shoulder flash dropped..("buah" too much with the crowd)
Instructions were given to us through walkie talkies. We've over a hundred first aiders with us, only 6 walkie-talkies for zone in-charged. Took us about 45 minutes to settle our manpower. May, laura, carrot and siying went home at 10.20pm..was rather worried about them, cos I couldn't leave as the street party will go on till about 11pm+++. They took the train home and I made them message me once they reach home. quite fast lei, may and laura reached home at around 11.05pm, then siying reached..lastly geraldine. phew. safe and sound!
ok..I forgot what time I boarded the ambulance and headed towards HQ. took a cab home at about 12am. Lucky no casualties...good day for everyone. Great job, thanks. I hope you all (may, laura, siying, carrot) learn alot and had fun! esp siying and carrot, way to go! more duties to come! =D
oh yes. We took photos after we stood down from duty. haha!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Valentine's 07!
Valentine's on 14 Feb. Was back home in the afternoon after my driving lesson, then choon siong called to jio me out for shopping. haha! His working hours in camp darn flexible! kk, arranged to meet at city hall at 2.30pm, he frigging alighted from his bus in orchard and told me that he reached city hall! ok, den I went to orchard to meet him. Not a bad idea afterall, good shopping though. Bought quite a number of shirts and stuff. lol.
Arranged to meet JY, Jeri, Ken and Ong 6pm at city hall. Saw many many couples on the way. May you (reading this) find ur match soon! Walked to suntec city and agreed on Carl's Jr for dinner. HAHA. aiya, from my point of view, eating where doesn't really matters, it is who you're eating with matters.
Here're some pics at Carl's Jr!!
Ong the licker? Again? OH!
UMM. Burgers!! so 丰满!! *chomps
Phototaking at fountain of wealth..very nice lei. hahah. though we made a scene there, disrupting the quiet atmosphere for some romantic-couples-wannabe.
Club SAA!
Style eh? we look great!
omg?! *LAUGHS
HEADLINE: LATEST SCANDAL. Parapazzi: KENNETH LIM. STARRING: ONG & JY. Moving on to esplanade..
Kenneth sure is fast to capture photos! great skill from ken lim!
Valentine's! look carefully at the pic!
JY and Jerilyn caught red-handed!
Ken made a sick joke. T_T
Tired? *smiles
JY and Jerilyn bought balloons for us! Don't know where they got them, because no one was carrying the same balloon as us! THANKS! We appreciate that alot! The balloons got entangled btw.
fly fly fly.. balloon. They had words written on them by JY & Jerilyn, that's enough to make a balloon special.