Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chapter two - 2.1

And here he is, a day after 14 February Valentine's Day. His brother wished him "A very happy valentine's day through msn the previous night", and chatted with him for a while. No he isn't kidding about chatting online with his brother, but he did (through dad's account of course). Sent a nice photo of himself saluting, over to Perth through the net.

Having bought a nice Canon Pixma printer for himself @ $64 (with black and colour cartridges included). He was super satisfied! (after endless searching and bugging of shop retailers, asking for specifications and what nots)

Here is it (:

Introducing the Canon Pixma MP240 !


Later in the day.. before going out to the supermart. Something caught his eye straight away. It was this red..super-reflective can on top the kitchen table.

It sure looked funny enough! His roomie probably put the coke into the freezer in search for a quick cold can, but alas! Roomie probably receive a bad shock when sees that. New design? Pretty cool isn't it.

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